My house is very comfortable and lovely for me, probably because of good association that I have with it. I live in quiet place, where the acces to nature is easier than the contact with civilisation. Obviously we have asphalt road, one school( college too!) with kindergarten, library, church, 2 medical clinic (one of my parents), pharmacy, 5 shops and fire brigade, (which is the most important for the community).That's all.
But the environment is realy fantastic. From my window I can see our an orchard, a forest, the mountain Babia Góra and -by good weather- Tatry with Giewont also. The air is fresh, the water is cristally clean, the silence is relaxated. During the spring the birts sing, while the summer, by the night, I like to listen the loud chirping of crickets...
My house is composed of 3 floors. The first is a meeting hall with my brother's piano, the second is my parent's medical clinic, the third is our flat, and the attic is occupated by wild pine marten, (which like to make a lot of noice at night). There are many animals nearby: a fox, a hedgehog, a hare. We have also the most beautifull and clever cat all over the world: "Behemot". She is able to climb to a flowerpot and watch over the window! There is more and more to say about Behemot...
My house is very far from Poznań, and it is still missing me, but I think that eventually the real home is where my family is. I'm very happy that I have the people and the place to come back.
sobota, 10 grudnia 2011
środa, 16 listopada 2011
The film
When I was in secondary school my French teacher took me to a film, which I consider now like one of the best films I have ever seen. Probably because of the matter and the main hero. Since I was a child I have been fond of listening to the songs of Edith Piaf. The film about "La Môme" entitled "Je ne regrette rien" was produced by Olivier Dahan. Here you have an extract:
The film shows her gripping life history, full of big obstacles and miracles, but in general very tragic and difficult. There are also real records of her performances, which improve the authenticity and the value -almost documentary- of the creation. The actress, the details, the composition and the music are really remarkable.
Before watching it I didn't know such a lot number of details about my favourite singer. For me she is an example proving that one must know how to use one's talent to achieve one's goal eventually. She loved singing and that was the simple way to happiness for her.
I recommend this film to you, it will be good to be prepared for many emotions while watching it, because the movie is incredible, moving, exciting, inspiring but also entertaining. Enjoy!
The film shows her gripping life history, full of big obstacles and miracles, but in general very tragic and difficult. There are also real records of her performances, which improve the authenticity and the value -almost documentary- of the creation. The actress, the details, the composition and the music are really remarkable.
Before watching it I didn't know such a lot number of details about my favourite singer. For me she is an example proving that one must know how to use one's talent to achieve one's goal eventually. She loved singing and that was the simple way to happiness for her.
I recommend this film to you, it will be good to be prepared for many emotions while watching it, because the movie is incredible, moving, exciting, inspiring but also entertaining. Enjoy!
niedziela, 23 października 2011
Friends are important, but not the most important in my life. In difficult situations my family is for me enough. I like the solitude for example with books. Certainly, it wouldn't be true if I say that I don't have friends. Yesterday I went out with a friend of mine, because we share the same leiseure -time interest. I like also write the letters.
When I think about friends in my mind apear a poem of Adam Mickiewicz: "Przyjaciele", where behind comic forme is an essence of friendship. Friend is someone who is able to help under every circonstances, and even when his own interest is exposed to danger. "We find a real friend in poverty".
I want just add that when I was in mountains with my family, at night, after a trip to "Rysy" there was a bear who followed us, and probably he wanted something wrong -it was a real poverty! Eventually we escaped, but I know the sentiment, which is presented in this story:
Mickiewicz Adam
When I think about friends in my mind apear a poem of Adam Mickiewicz: "Przyjaciele", where behind comic forme is an essence of friendship. Friend is someone who is able to help under every circonstances, and even when his own interest is exposed to danger. "We find a real friend in poverty".
I want just add that when I was in mountains with my family, at night, after a trip to "Rysy" there was a bear who followed us, and probably he wanted something wrong -it was a real poverty! Eventually we escaped, but I know the sentiment, which is presented in this story:
Mickiewicz Adam
Nie masz teraz prawdziwej przyjaźni na świecie;
Ostatni znam jej przykład w oszmiańskim powiecie.
Tam żył Mieszek, kum Leszka, i kum Mieszka Leszek.
Z tych, co to: gdzie ty, tam ja, - co moje, to twoje.
Mówiono o nich. że gdy znaleźli orzeszek,
Ziarnko dzielili na dwoje;
Słowem, tacy przyjaciele,
Jakich i wtenczas liczono niewiele.
Rzekłbyś; dwójduch w jednym ciele.
O tej swojej przyjazni raz w cieniu dąbrowy
Kiedy gadali, łącząc swojo czułe mowy
Do kukań zozul i krakań gawronich,
Alić ryknęło raptem coś koło nich.
Leszek na dąb; nuż po pniu skakać jak dzięciołek.
Mieszek tej sztuki nie umie,
Tylko wyciąga z dołu ręce: "Kumie!"
Kum już wylazł na wierzchołek.
Ledwie Mieszkowi był czas zmrużyć oczy,
Zbladnąć, paść na twarz: a już niedźwiedź kroczy.
Trafia na ciało, maca: jak trup leży;
Wącha: a z tego zapachu,
Który mógł być skutkiem strachu.
Wnosi, że to nieboszczyk i że już nieświeży.
Więc mruknąwszy ze wzgardą odwraca się w knieję,
Bo niedźwiedź Litwin miąs nieświeżych nie je.
Dopieroż Mieszek odżył... "Było z tobą krucho! -
Woła kum, - szczęście, Mieszku, że cię nie zadrapał!
Ale co on tak długo tam nad tobą sapał.
Jak gdyby coś miał powiadać na ucho?"
"Powiedział mi - rzekł Mieszek - przysłowie niedźwiedzie:
Że prawdziwych przyjaciół poznajemy w biedzie".
środa, 19 października 2011
My name is Zuzanna. I'm from Poland. I live in mountains in a small village. I study French filology and during my studies I live in Poznań, which is my favourite Polish town. I like voyages, foreign languages and cultures, classical music, art. In the future I'd like to be a teacher.
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